Capricorn New Moon - January 2022

Capricorn New Moon // January 2, 19:33 CET
What a start of the new year: we're stepping right into a new moon in the ambitious, practical, go-getter sign of Capricorn ♑
The new moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the month(s) to come. This means that we have access to an energy that is particularly supportive of the structuring, grounding and planning that many of us tend to want to dive into come January 1st.
But before you get overly ambitious and excited about making your lists and setting your goals for the year to come... you might want to pause, and take a deep breath, first.
The Capricorn New Moon has a sweeter, softer, deeper layer to it.
Capricorn is oftentimes depicted as a regular mountain goat, but we would do well to not forget its other half: Capricorn is actually the mythical Sea-goat. Part land creature, part ocean dweller. The marriage between earthly structure & steadiness, and watery flow & creativity.
The invitation: receive, rather than achieve. Receive your dreams and visions for the year to come. Don't plan out every minute detail just yet. Don't charge forward into action right away. Allow yourself to revel in the beauty of the (real or imaginary) fields of winter - imagine a vast, white, snow-kissed landscape that holds all the potency of possibility.
Be gentle with yourself, and with your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual resources. Instead of powering through and overexerting yourself, how can you build strong (organizational, physical + mental) structures that allow for harmony, balance, vibrancy, softness?
Moreover, do not set your foundations in stone. If you make plans, dream big, but leave plenty room for surprise, rest and replenishment.
Your Higher Self is in no rush - take off the pressure, and leave room for surprises. The winds & waves of change might have other plans for you. You'll want to be able to move, flow, and dance with life.
And remember... you don't have to do anything to deserve rest. We're still deep in the Yin energy of Winter. Listen to your body. Don't overdo it. Being, for now, truly is enough.
Capricorn New Moon mantra's:
"I grow in the pace that suits me at this moment in time. I will not let myself be rushed - neither will I let life happen to me. I am the creator: I mix earth and water, structure and flow, action and rest, to intentionally weave my life together. I am mindful of my nervous system and find the support that I need. I restructure and rewire that which is no longer serving me."